Great write up. Would love to see some sort of flow chart / infographic that details how to use systems together, in what order, how to automate them, etc.

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Great writeup. The numbers in all of your graphics are way off though. For example, 3000 calls per hour vs 2000 calls per hour is not a 40% difference, it’s a 50% difference. 1000 emails per day vs 300 per day is not 107.6% difference, it’s a 333% difference. 200 companies v 40 companies is not a 133.3% difference, it’s a 500% difference! etc. etc. The real math would make your scenarios MORE impactful.

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Great rundown. Company 1 also focuses on the reasons people don’t buy then optimizes for those. Company 2 didn’t even track it.

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still scaling into BTC weekly?

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Thanks Systems for the writeup, in sales, can definitely back this.

What’s CVS? Also do you have recommendations on the power dialer and cadence software to use?

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Seems this is much harder when you’re working on enterprise deals and have a strong backend IT/security infrastructure and can’t install these apps. Thoughts?

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Very very interesting, now I understand the Phone Spam I receive when I answer and no-one is talking, phone hand up... I'm bullish of what you just described now !

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I see Pickle is writing a thread on L2 on shitcoin land. Can we get a commodities update and fixed-income/bonds update. Thanks!

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